Felicia Gill Career Advisor at Calhoun Community College Bio part 3 of 5

As soon as I received the degree in my hand, I asked myself, “What can I do with this degree? My answer to self, “Not anything”. While my mother was the only one who was proud of me and my accomplishment. I felt unaccomplished.  All that went through my head that day, May 12, 1999 was this degree means nothing. I wanted more, but struggled with math. I always thought of myself becoming a Social Worker. I looked for the best way to become a Social Worker without going through anymore math. By this time, I’m feeling as though I’m at least 15 years behind. 

Once again, printed in the Selma Times Journal was an announcement about Faulkner University holding classes to earn a BS degree in Management of Human Resources in one year. I’m like close enough to Social Work for me. I enrolled in that rigorous one year program. While in the program, I landed a job, contingent upon earning my degree, at Selma AIDS Information and Referral Services as the HIV / AIDS Education Coordinator and Community outreach Specialist were I began my journey of becoming who I am today.  I graduated and earned my BS degree in Management of Human Resources from Faulkner University the next year in 2000.

 By that time my marriage had fallen apart, about a year later is when I suffered the ruptured brain aneurysm. I flat lined long enough for the doctors to tell my family that I would be brain dead, a vegetable if I lived at all. I laid in a comma for several days, and woke out of the comma on my birthday, July 14th and knew it was my birthday.  So Amazing! The road of recovery has been very long going through ups and downs, relearning the things I lost in memory while raising my son. By the way, after the aneurysm, my mother went to work with me for months until I felt my way through. I remember not being able to hold my body upright. I would fall over. My mother was there to set me back up straight or to read something for me. 


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