Investing Part 4 of 5 by Melica Niccole Author, Stock Mentor, Blogger


How To Invest ~ Part 

Written by Melica Niccole

Author, Stock BossUp App Mentor, and Blogger 

The Fourth Step is to create or seek an investment support group to discuss stock. My family and I have a text messaging group to discuss stocks to look into. This group includes my sisters, nieces, and nephews. My mother has also joined the stock talking discussions and does research on what individuals discuss. We discuss electric vehicles, pharmaceuticals, cryptocurrency, technology, and more. A lot of us are at different stages of investing, from just starting out to 3 years into investing.  I am saying this to let you know that you don’t have to be an investment guru. You just have to want to invest, develop a plan, implement that, and invest.

A support group gives you depth to surface information. They provide context to what you know and what you think you know. They may also have questions, which helps you establish a better investment plan.

Facebook and Twitter also have groups and hashtags dedicated to specific stock. Individuals in these groups provide great insight. I have found both of these social media techniques very helpful.


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