Felicia Gill Bio- Career Advisor at Calhoun Community College part 5 of 5

People always ask me, “Why non-profits?” My answer: Don’t let the non in non-profits fool you. All the money in the world is tied up in Non-profits. Any cooperation you can name has a 501 (C)(3), a non-profit status attached to it. Non-profits will never go broke. There will always be money and resources for the poor.

Being currently employed by Alabama Community College Systems at Calhoun Community College as a Career Advisor and prior employment at Concordia College Alabama as an Academic Advisor has afforded me the opportunity to have more tools in my tool box. My area of expertise consist of: 

Career Advising (Your Interest can be your income)

Career Exploration

Resume reviews and resume writing

College entry resume 

Mock Interview

Academic Advisor

“What Can I do with my Major”


Changing Careers

Learning Disabilities and resources

So, if you are thinking about a higher education, go for it! You are never too old.  Just know that being successful is not always associated with having a degree in higher education. It’s not the swift that always win the race, but the one who endures until the end. If I can assist any family member with identifying a career path, or resume assistance, please do not hesitate to contact your cousin, So4realfeliciagill.

 “Your attitude determines your altitude” 

                                                 Mattie Gill


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