LC - How I Chose Accounting as My Career part 1 of 3


Hi Family! I’m L.C., the middle child of Joe and Ruth. One of the things my parents told us often after giving us a task was “Don’t go in there half doing it”. That set the tone for me determining what my career would be. I wanted to find something I could do well.
Growing up, I developed a love for music. I sang around the house and listened to music every chance I got. I even toyed with the idea of singing opera. I was attracted to the life style the singers on TV seemed to have and wanted that career and seemingly good life for myself. So, I started preparing myself to become a singer by participating in the school chorus in grades 7-10. I found out I had a high pitched voice that my teacher taught me was referred to as first soprano. My teacher in grades 7-9 was very encouraging. He selected me to assist in his classroom and even selected me to sing a solo for our concert. However, my 10th grade teacher didn’t seem as impressed with my singing. She had a small selection of students she spent most of our class time working with for competitions and I wasn’t included. So, when class selection for 11th grade rolled around, I had decided becoming a singer may not be as attainable as I thought. I had to come up with something else to do for a living.
One of my aunties, my mom’s sister, lived in Michigan and would visit Selma each year. She was always dressed in nice pant suits and her hair and makeup was on point. She appeared to be doing well for herself. Unfortunately, she passed away when I was almost thirteen years old. My recollection is that she was a legal secretary. So, I decided I was going to do the same. Instead of signing up for chorus for 11th grade, I signed up for Business Occupation Education (BOE). We had manual typewriters back then. Every time you made a mistake you had to maneuver back to the error and use whiteout to fix the errors. I made more errors than I hoped. So, instead of going to the cafeteria for my lunch period, I went back to the typing classroom for extra practice. We also had to learn shorthand. I found I wasn’t as fast as I’d liked be with it either, but in the end, good enough for a “B”. For 12th grade, I signed up for the next level of BOE. I was excited because I would only have a half day of classes then get to leave school to work in an office. The guidance counselors weren’t able to find me a job outside of school, so they created a position for me in the schools office.


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