Baby Step 6 Pay off your Home Mortgage
This step has a prominent place on my own personal vision board. This step, once completed, will launch you into wealth building. Once you have completed this step, you'll be able to save money faster. This step involves paying off your mortgage. You can complete this step at the same time that you complete steps 4, 5, and 6. In short, you can invest, fund your kids college fund, and also work towards paying off your home loan all at the same time. Here are some handy tips towards paying your mortgage off early. Check with your mortgage company to see if they allow you to make bi weekly payments. If you pay half of your mortgage every two weeks you will make 13 payments instead of 12 payments in a year. This saves you thousands of dollars on the principal on your loan. You want to check with your mortgage company to ensure you don't incur any prepayment penalties. You also want to follow up to ensure that your mortgage company is posting your extra payment...