Baby Step 5- Saving for kids' college (part 2)

My youngest son scored a 25 on his ACT. He met the academic requirements for a full ride scholarship, but not the score requirement of 30 on his ACT. I had to use my super Mom persuasive powers to convince him to take a $100 prep class at UAH. He groaned and complained the entire two weeks, but I give him credit, he went and he paid attention. He increased his ACT score and obtained the full ride (minus room and board) scholarship to UAH. He simply stayed home to reduce costs or the need for a student loan. My oldest son, did decently in high school. He didn’t fail, he passed his courses. He wasn’t as academically proficient as his siblings, (he’s just as smart as his siblings) so we were not surprised when he suggested that he wanted to enter the military for the GI Bill in order to obtain his education. This is an option that you can also explore with your kids. My son’s advice is to stick to your intentions when you’re in the military. It’s very easy to get side tracked with ...